博智會計師事務所 ‧ 北一會計師事務所 ASIA MASTER & CO.,C.P.A.s

成立宗旨 About Us


Our objective

Asia Master & Co., CPAs was established with the main objective to provide clients with services of the high quality in 1989. Throughout the more than two decades of our clients’ support, we are in praise of the firm’s prospect for growth. We commit ourselves to continue providing clients with the best service and helping our clients to succeed.

Partners of Our Firm (since March 1989)

Austin Shih
- Managing Partner -

-The managing partner of Asia Master & Co., CPAs;
-Real estate registration agent. (土地代書)
-C.P.A and C.F.P (Certified Financial Planner) of R.O.C and P.R.C
-In charge of ASIA MASTER Insurance Broker Co.

Master of Laws. LL.M, School of Law Soochow University in 2000

Master of Science in Accounting, National Chengchi University in 1986

Bachaler of Science in Accounting, National Chengchi University in 1980


National Tax Administration of Taipei

T.N. Soong & Co., CPAs (member of Arthur Andersen C.P.A.s), Assist Manager 

Jennifer Lin
- Partner -
National Taiwan University in Accounting 
※Experience:T.N. Soong & Co., CPAs, Senior Auditor

Scope Of Our Services
  1. Administrative Tax appeals
  2. Tax consultation
  3. Tax planning
    Individual’s income tax, estate tax, gift tax, inheritance tax, land value increment tax etc.
    Corporate income tax / Corporate business tax etc.
  4. Assistance in preparing and filing tax of returns
    Corporate and individual income tax for R.O.C. nationals and non-R.O.C
    residents (ie expatriate)/Inheritance Tax /Gift Tax /Others
  5. Training
    We hold seminars on taxation, and CFPs. (Certificate of Financial Planner)
  6. Audit
    Financial statement audit/Tax audit/Paid-in capital audit/Special audit
  7. Business Registration-F.I.A Company and Local Company
    Business enterprise establishment/amendment/Ariticles of Incorporating registration etc.
  8. Other Registration
    Factory use licence /Registration of import / export business / Alien-Resident Certificate (ARC) / Visitor Visa Extension / APRC / immigration/ Exemption from Income Tax for Foreign Special Professionals etc.
  9. Management consultanting
    1. We structure the accounting procedure or system for clients.
    2. We assist clients in recruiting financial and accounting personnel.
    3. We assist clients in insurance and cash management consultation to build up the risk management.